So most of you that know me, know I breastfed both my children and now plan on doing so with Tate. I had set backs with Teighan, and Takoda and now with Tate as well. With Teighan I ended up with Mastitis, and Yeast and he got thrush, it was painful but I was determined and we got through it, he nursed for 10 months until I found out we were pregnant with Takoda. Takoda made my nipples sore and cracked, but we got through it too. She nursed till 15 months, only. She never took a bottle, neither did Teighan.
Tate has now lost a pound. Which adds up to 20% of his birth weight. However if you look into this, babys of csection mothers tend to take on some of the iv fluids and may weigh more then actually are supposed to. Anyway, he isnt nusring correctly, my nipples are sore, but I am making plenty of milk. Sean is giving him a bottle(which I hate only cause it makes me feel like I am not doing something right) but he is slow on the bottle too...
He is a lazy boy, he sleeps a lot and that is probably because right now his bilirubin levels are high too. But he is peeing and pooping and seems somewhat satisfied.
Anyway, I am still sore, and frusterated and pumping and frusterated and I called lactation and made an appointment. The LC called me back and we talked for a while, after she had told me about a website called hands on pumping. So I pulled up the video on google and watched it. Teighan decided he wanted to watch it with me. They are so curious, I suppose to some mothers this is weird, but for me its just natural, boobs were made to make milk and for babies to eat, first place, second place for sexual stuff(but he doesnt know about that yet). Anyway he decided to watch it with me, and decided it was really important for me to do what they were telling me to do so that I can make enough milk for Tate. He also told me I needed to buy a white thing to put over my boobies so that I can use my hands and make more milk. Then he asked me how I make milk and I tried to explain that, but if you are interested in watching the I thought about it...thinking this is probably not appropiate for him to be watching, but I have nursed in front of him with Koda(he probably doesnt remember) and now with Tate. I have also pumped, our house is small, and I have no special place to go, plus with the csection I stay on one level all day, so that is the downstairs so I can eat too!
So my son of 6 years will be schooled in breastfeeding...Opps. But he stays by my side and is so curious, should I tell him no, or just let this natural process be natural, its not like I am letting him watch people doing other things...but now adays...its on cartoons anyway.
Oh well, breastfeeding sucks, my kids will know more about boobs, and breastmilk, and babies poop and well, thats great!
SAHM, FLEOW, partially crunchy homeschooling mama, dabbling in all things crafty, toddler chasing, breastfeeding craziness I call life.
my sweet peach

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A new baby, a blessing...
When we started this week, Monday April 9 we had a family of four. 2 boys, 2 girls...and one dog. Tuesday our lives changed as we embraced a new life into the world. Tuesday at 1106 am, Tate Declan MacDougall was born to Sean and Asheley MacDougall. Joining brother Teighan and sister Takoda.
Starting this journey was a bumpy road as I had a very rough first trimester bleeding for the first 13 weeks, and so sick with traditional morning sickness and my other GI issues. When I, we made it to 20 weeks I decided I did not want to find out the sex of our baby. It didn't really matter anyway since at home we had a boy and a girl. I just wanted to know that baby was healthy, after all my early complications. Baby was, so healthy and unphased by what was going on with me.
I know people have questioned this pregnancy, but for those of you who know me I truely wanted another baby, for a long time. If I hadn't had csections I would have more even now, and he is only 4 days old! Don't judge me. I am blessed to have a very amazing husband who really loves and gets me, also to be blessed to have the ability to have healthy and (I'm biased) beautiful children. We do good together, we make a good team, a sometimes lonely team but maybe that is what has made the journey that much sweeter.
So no this wasn't an oops baby, not a surprise, but an adventure planned with careful precision and skill if I may say so myself. God had his hands. In this work too! To not believe that is just, silly.
So anyway, What's in a Name? We had a list of names, like 10 or so for boys, maybe 7 for girls. So many ideas flying around in our heads, and with the surprise of the birth...waiting to see if we were having a boy or girl, names got less important at least in the delivery room, or operating room in our case.
We were asked not to bring anything except us and the camera, so silly us left our list of names in the car. We talked about a handful of names after he was born, the problem when you aren't sure what you are having is that your not sure what name to pick, we just wanted it to be a strong name either way boy or girl. It was hard don't get me wrong, a blessing and lovely surpirse when Sean announced he, was a boy! I loved that he got to say it and not the doctors, of course they asked us gave us that option.
Anyway, I digress. We at first decided Taggart. We had the name on our list and liked it, but it wasn't our number one. After we talked a lot, we decided that Tate fit him much better. So on Friday April 13, 2012 we called and texted and told our friends that we had originally told that his name is Tate.
Starting this journey was a bumpy road as I had a very rough first trimester bleeding for the first 13 weeks, and so sick with traditional morning sickness and my other GI issues. When I, we made it to 20 weeks I decided I did not want to find out the sex of our baby. It didn't really matter anyway since at home we had a boy and a girl. I just wanted to know that baby was healthy, after all my early complications. Baby was, so healthy and unphased by what was going on with me.
I know people have questioned this pregnancy, but for those of you who know me I truely wanted another baby, for a long time. If I hadn't had csections I would have more even now, and he is only 4 days old! Don't judge me. I am blessed to have a very amazing husband who really loves and gets me, also to be blessed to have the ability to have healthy and (I'm biased) beautiful children. We do good together, we make a good team, a sometimes lonely team but maybe that is what has made the journey that much sweeter.
So no this wasn't an oops baby, not a surprise, but an adventure planned with careful precision and skill if I may say so myself. God had his hands. In this work too! To not believe that is just, silly.
So anyway, What's in a Name? We had a list of names, like 10 or so for boys, maybe 7 for girls. So many ideas flying around in our heads, and with the surprise of the birth...waiting to see if we were having a boy or girl, names got less important at least in the delivery room, or operating room in our case.
We were asked not to bring anything except us and the camera, so silly us left our list of names in the car. We talked about a handful of names after he was born, the problem when you aren't sure what you are having is that your not sure what name to pick, we just wanted it to be a strong name either way boy or girl. It was hard don't get me wrong, a blessing and lovely surpirse when Sean announced he, was a boy! I loved that he got to say it and not the doctors, of course they asked us gave us that option.
Anyway, I digress. We at first decided Taggart. We had the name on our list and liked it, but it wasn't our number one. After we talked a lot, we decided that Tate fit him much better. So on Friday April 13, 2012 we called and texted and told our friends that we had originally told that his name is Tate.
If we were to go down this road once again, I think I would find out what I was having, only to save me a headache in the name game, as it is a very important and stressful part of the journey. What is in a Name, a rose that smells so sweet?
Mommy and baby are doing well, mommy is a little emotional, as to be expected I suppose...with not sleeping and up all night :) missing my role as primary care giver. A good friend told me to change my view, my outlook. Instead of thinking that I am missing out, think that I am giving in, to what is most important right now and taking care of myself and him, since Sean doesn't have the boobies...
I have a wonderful and amazing husband, who else would help their wife wash after a csection, and help wash their private areas? I suppose there are a few of us lucky ones and I am blessed to be one :)
So I'm not sure how much I will be blogging now, I am super busy and am not sleeping, but I will check in from time to time...have to update Tate's growth and Sean's antics as he had me laughing, yes laughing so hard last night for nothing. I was crying begging him to leave to stop cause it really really hurts! But at least we can still laugh together, at each other and with each other.
Hugs, love and kisses from now a family of 5 :)
Monday, April 2, 2012
No, means what exactly?
So I say NO, NO, NO, NO. I read the other day an article about what words moms shouldnt say. Besides the obvious 4 letter ones, there was Hate, Stupid, Gay, a couple others I cant remember and NO. No really? We cant say NO, they what do we say? Yes? "Mommy can I play with the electrical socket?" "Why Yes dear, go right ahead..."
I am all for trying to let our kids grow in a world where they learn right from wrong by doing, but really NO is a word we shouldnt say now?
I say NO probably over 1000x in a day, which sucks. I hate, opps...dont like saying NO. It doesnt sink in, and they dont understand what No means.
No, you cant take that toy outside, No you cant have ice cream for breakfast, NO I am not buying sugar cereal(I know Im a mean mom), NO, NO, NO!!!!!
I want to say why dont you be the mom and I be the child? You can tell me no, No mom I dont want to, No mom Im busy, NO mom I wont eat that. I hear it, I understand it. I remember, uh she said NO, she didnt like spinach so I wont serve it again. But when I say NO, to the same question for the 1000th time, when does No sink in?
Is there another world instead of NO, another way to make the NO reason sink in? I am not a mean mom, we just cant buy everything they see...and so once again I am forced to say NO...but I want so badly to say YES.
Yesterday we were in the grocery store, after our trip to target and whole foods. In target a few 'I wants' were asked, I had to say no. I want this candy, NO, I want this easter basket(we already have 2) so NO, can I buy this its only 4.65...NO. I try to explain why, but before I can say because it is off to a new want or NEED.
The thing is I am not sure I had half the things my kids do and I was only 1. I definately had my share of stuff dont get me wrong, but mine have 2 of each(most things) if he gets a bean bag chair, she has to have one...its not my mentality but my mom always buys in 2.
Now with baby 3 on the way, will we become in 3s? Teighan wants a paddleboard, do I end up buying 3? How do you reinforce that there are times it is for Koda, times things are for Teighan and now going to be times just for the baby?
Yesterday before our excursion we were at soccer, and Teighan expected a snack(he is not on the team he is the brother of a player on the team). When he didnt get something he got extremely upset. I try and try to explain that sometimes things are just for her, but it doesnt sink in.
Back to the grocery store, we were in the cereal isle, they want so badly to buy the sugar cereal(lucky charms, cookie crisp...) I again am not a mean mom. I have bought these, and I have thrown a whole box away. I learned my lesson, you dont like them, and I hate, opps...dont like cereal at all. So No, the NO's were flying like a drunkin sailor shouts out profanity...I even left, my cart and all right there and decided to leave the grocery store. Of course we had breakfast today, so I caved and went back in to get the groceries we needed...
When is enough enough? I went to bed last night so upset with them and myself, trying to reason with a 5 and 6 year old isnt working. Only causes me much unnecessary stress, but shouldnt NO be enough?
I am all for trying to let our kids grow in a world where they learn right from wrong by doing, but really NO is a word we shouldnt say now?
I say NO probably over 1000x in a day, which sucks. I hate, opps...dont like saying NO. It doesnt sink in, and they dont understand what No means.
No, you cant take that toy outside, No you cant have ice cream for breakfast, NO I am not buying sugar cereal(I know Im a mean mom), NO, NO, NO!!!!!
I want to say why dont you be the mom and I be the child? You can tell me no, No mom I dont want to, No mom Im busy, NO mom I wont eat that. I hear it, I understand it. I remember, uh she said NO, she didnt like spinach so I wont serve it again. But when I say NO, to the same question for the 1000th time, when does No sink in?
Is there another world instead of NO, another way to make the NO reason sink in? I am not a mean mom, we just cant buy everything they see...and so once again I am forced to say NO...but I want so badly to say YES.
Yesterday we were in the grocery store, after our trip to target and whole foods. In target a few 'I wants' were asked, I had to say no. I want this candy, NO, I want this easter basket(we already have 2) so NO, can I buy this its only 4.65...NO. I try to explain why, but before I can say because it is off to a new want or NEED.
The thing is I am not sure I had half the things my kids do and I was only 1. I definately had my share of stuff dont get me wrong, but mine have 2 of each(most things) if he gets a bean bag chair, she has to have one...its not my mentality but my mom always buys in 2.
Now with baby 3 on the way, will we become in 3s? Teighan wants a paddleboard, do I end up buying 3? How do you reinforce that there are times it is for Koda, times things are for Teighan and now going to be times just for the baby?
Yesterday before our excursion we were at soccer, and Teighan expected a snack(he is not on the team he is the brother of a player on the team). When he didnt get something he got extremely upset. I try and try to explain that sometimes things are just for her, but it doesnt sink in.
Back to the grocery store, we were in the cereal isle, they want so badly to buy the sugar cereal(lucky charms, cookie crisp...) I again am not a mean mom. I have bought these, and I have thrown a whole box away. I learned my lesson, you dont like them, and I hate, opps...dont like cereal at all. So No, the NO's were flying like a drunkin sailor shouts out profanity...I even left, my cart and all right there and decided to leave the grocery store. Of course we had breakfast today, so I caved and went back in to get the groceries we needed...
When is enough enough? I went to bed last night so upset with them and myself, trying to reason with a 5 and 6 year old isnt working. Only causes me much unnecessary stress, but shouldnt NO be enough?
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