my sweet peach

my sweet peach

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jane of all

So I have tried my hand at a few handy-woman jobs. Since my hubby travels so much I have had to figure it to weed whack the grass, paint the fence, unclog toilets, turn the water off so the toilets stop over flowing once clogged. I also managed to tile my bathroom, although not complete due to wet saw issues, but I have managed.
Last week my mom was visiting and had turned on the garbage disposal. It made a weird noise like crerereaknkkkk....I said it's. It working turn it off. So we turned it off and like so many other things I forgot about it till Saturday night when hubby was home and he turned it on and now it was just making an electrical humming noise. "why didnt you tell me about this?" oh I'm sorry hon, I completely forgot, which was true. Ok, so he got under the sink and pressed the reset button on the garbage disposal, about 10 times. Nothing happened. The water was backing up in the sink. Did I mention this is my kitchen sink?
Tuesday night 2315, hubby getting ready for bed and to leave on travel...sink has an inch of water in it, no biggie we try to fix it, he tells me don't put anything down it and it slowly drains. Today, it has 6 inches of water in it, and now the whole bottom of my dishwasher is full of smelly brown liquid...UGH!!!
So I put liquid plumber down the drain. This should work, nothing. Still each time I turn on the water the sink fills up quickly. So before dinner I see 3 inches in the sink, great. It is now 1845 Wednesday night. I have called my cousin who is a plumber hoping he would have some magic he could use over the phone, but he was busy. Call my dad he says plunge it. Duh, why didn't I think of this. So I do, ehhhh works for a few minutes. Call my bro in law, he can fix it sure. He tells me what to do, I take a picture and send it to him. Looks like cutting pipes and drains will fulfil my night. But it's 1845, I am 6 1/2 months pregnant, my kids are hungry and it's a school night. No worries, I say thank you, as he is a huge help but I'm not cutting pipe tonight, nor calling a plumber...I can do this. Me Jane. Me fix stuff.
So I leave it be, turn on the dishwasher to see if that helps, fix dinner and sit down. Only to find in the sink when I get up, lots of yuck, food, oily goop, and once again 4 inches of nasty water. So I plunge it, I plunge and plunge and plunge like I'm going to get a medal.
I do, I get the medal! The sink is draining. The dishwasher no longer has a bottom of yucky brown water and all is right with the world.
No cutting, snaking, or Spending unnecessary money tonight! When in doubt plunge the hell out of it! Although I am pretty sure I will do this again tomorrow or until it gets a professional.

A shared Bathroom...

Why is my butt wet? Why are my feet wet? Why is the rug wet? I find myself asking these questions pretty regularly. Seat doesnt get put up for a boy=wet butt. Misses toilet alltogether=wet feet. Rug wet, well thats Koda waiting till the very last second to run to the bathroom....wait, wait MOM, Mommy...I had an accident...
Ugh Bathrooms. Why does it take men and boys so long in there? I mean who wants to sit and smell their doody after they duty is done? This isnt just the man and boy in my life, but all or lets say most men and boys I know.
Now, I peak in...just to make sure T has not fallen in, he is still breathing and not destroying the entire place and I notice him, well exploring. Do all men do this, does it start as boys? I mean maybe when you are naked, yes NAKED on the pot you have access to lots of things that are hidden when all the clothes are on. Thats what Im guessing, its like a magnifying glass...the opposite way. So I leave it alone, walk slowly back away from the door and hope that one day soon the time lessens to a reasonable tolerable limit.
I thought girls would be the ones occupying all the bathroom time, Im in, out and done with everything, shower, shave, toileting etc within 7-10min, less for the latter. My daughter in and out in less then 30 seconds, cant even slow down that much to pay attention to anything in the bathroom. She's like a constant whirlwind...from the moment she wakes to the minute she drifts she is running a race, busy like a butterfly. This I am ok with, Im sure one day she will find makeup and then this shared bathroom situation will become a real problem.
For now, I am used to(not liking it) toothpaste in the sink, on the sink, on the door, on the doorknob, on the floor...used to tripping over the stool, finding an unreasonable amount of toilet paper shoved into the toilet(at least they're wiping), and used to getting into a luke warm-cool shower after the kids are bathed, the laundry and dishwasher is run, and it is finally MOM's time to relax...
Shared Bathrooms...a wild adventure in a 4x6 room :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why do I feel something my warm bed?

I wanted to start this at the beginning of my pregnancy but as with all things I am just getting around to it. A few of my friends have recently started blogs, or recently published them and they get me in stitches so I thought I'd try myself. Not that I really have anything interesting to say but who knows, I might make someone laugh! They say laughter is the best medicine!
My husband works crazy hours, always going, going, gone. This morning nothing different, get the kiss around 0400, fall back asleep if I even woke up. A little while later as I am trying to get comfortable with this belly, and not being able to sleep on your back, I stretched my foot into something cold and clammy...I touched it again, with my foot...wondering what the he!! is this? "mom I had a bad dream...can I sleep here". As I pondered this question, I noticed all the lights were on, my door was open, I had no covers and the dog had once again snuck onto the bed. So hmmm, sure why not, I dont sleep well anyway, whats another reason not to.
When I woke 2 hours later for school, I looked at my bed, it looked like a tornado had hit us. The tornado of Teighan. I have no idea how he does it, but I tuck him in one way, check on him before I fall asleep, and he's another way, maybe wander in during one of my many trips to the bathroom, yet another way. His sister too, they are all over the bed, like they are fighting with the covers every night.
Recently someone asked us if our kids are sleeping through the night...boy I hope so at 6 and 4 1/2. He answers quickly first, YES! "So your going to start the whole not sleeping thing all over again when this baby arrives?" ...Uhhh, did I hear him right YES, they sleep through the night, where the he!! is he? Oh yeah forgot in a lovely hotel room. Not that I dont miss him I do, but at least he can get a good nights sleep...Me on the other hand, at least 5/7 nights a week, I wake up to lights on, kids crying, dog growling, baby kicking or some other reason just to start my day at 0330. So no they dont sleep through the night consecutively, but I suppose it could be worse. At least we start each night in the right beds, and I pray Please God dont let them wake up, have a bad dream, wet the bed, or come into my room...I need some sleep!
Did I mention we own a queen? Not a king, so on any given night there is a good chance you will find a dog, 2 children, one very uncomfortable mama...Waiting for the night its just us...but that is probably what got us here in the first place. :)