I wanted to start this at the beginning of my pregnancy but as with all things I am just getting around to it. A few of my friends have recently started blogs, or recently published them and they get me in stitches so I thought I'd try myself. Not that I really have anything interesting to say but who knows, I might make someone laugh! They say laughter is the best medicine!
My husband works crazy hours, always going, going, gone. This morning nothing different, get the kiss around 0400, fall back asleep if I even woke up. A little while later as I am trying to get comfortable with this belly, and not being able to sleep on your back, I stretched my foot into something cold and clammy...I touched it again, with my foot...wondering what the he!! is this? "mom I had a bad dream...can I sleep here". As I pondered this question, I noticed all the lights were on, my door was open, I had no covers and the dog had once again snuck onto the bed. So hmmm, sure why not, I dont sleep well anyway, whats another reason not to.
When I woke 2 hours later for school, I looked at my bed, it looked like a tornado had hit us. The tornado of Teighan. I have no idea how he does it, but I tuck him in one way, check on him before I fall asleep, and he's another way, maybe wander in during one of my many trips to the bathroom, yet another way. His sister too, they are all over the bed, like they are fighting with the covers every night.
Recently someone asked us if our kids are sleeping through the night...boy I hope so at 6 and 4 1/2. He answers quickly first, YES! "So your going to start the whole not sleeping thing all over again when this baby arrives?" ...Uhhh, did I hear him right YES, they sleep through the night, where the he!! is he? Oh yeah forgot in a lovely hotel room. Not that I dont miss him I do, but at least he can get a good nights sleep...Me on the other hand, at least 5/7 nights a week, I wake up to lights on, kids crying, dog growling, baby kicking or some other reason just to start my day at 0330. So no they dont sleep through the night consecutively, but I suppose it could be worse. At least we start each night in the right beds, and I pray Please God dont let them wake up, have a bad dream, wet the bed, or come into my room...I need some sleep!
Did I mention we own a queen? Not a king, so on any given night there is a good chance you will find a dog, 2 children, one very uncomfortable mama...Waiting for the night its just us...but that is probably what got us here in the first place. :)
And just think, when they're teenagers we'll be up all night worrying about them! We can't win!
ReplyDeleteI love the last line, it did make me laugh :)! Love you