my sweet peach

my sweet peach

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day 2012, girlfriends and babies...

So as my friends are getting roses, flowers, cards, gifts what have you, I am running around making sure my kids have their cards, gifts etc ready for their parties tomorrow. I am alos planning a nice dinner for the 12 hours that my husband will be home. Yes 12 hours, not 13 or 11 but 12 hours till the 24th...
So we woke up this morning, and the kids had a happy surprise of valentines, stickers and the cutest monkey I had ever seen. I had planned on getting up early to make heart shaped pancakes, but last night I had complany that wouldnt sleep in my bed.
I woke up at 12midnight to a child crying, then saying her leg hurt, most likely because she sleeps like a frog. So I said stretch your legs out. I feel back asleep until 2am...when she was head under the covers kicking the pillows awake. UGH! "Go to sleep now, or go back to your bed". 330am, child kicks all the covers off of me, I am freezing, she is sleeping, good. 420 am, she has moved so close to me I am almost falling off the bed, I push her over, 5am, I push her over, 630am(might as well get up, but Im exhausted) push her over. Finally 730 I pop up, frantic because we are usually up by 715 to get ready for school.
Go into Teighan's room, Im up mom, as his eyes are closed. Teighan get up your going to miss the bus, please get up! Ok mom, Im up...boy this sounds familiar(me). Meanwhile Takoda is up dressed and ready to take on the world(Hubby).
So we get up, make the bus, Success! Get her to school, Success! I had planned on volunteering today at T's school party, but wanted to catch a little nap before, but that got blasted out of the water by phone calls, and being a pregnant hungry woman.
SO at the party, one of the little girls in his class says "I like teighan", I want to call him "teigy"...ok. Then another little girl says to me, I konw where his ticklish spot is...are you Teighan's mom, wow, I want to sit by you. I like Teighan,(now these are from a few different girls, so excited). Teighan also says later in the car, "Mom I have 5 girlfriends, and C knows where my ticklish spot is...
Well where is it T(hoping its a decent answer), oh my neck mom, and its true, just like me he is super ticklish.
So we are working on our craft and one of the little girls has a new baby sister, and she brought in the picture, and I saw it and said how sweet she was. Then I said as I patted my medium size tummy, Teighan will have a new baby sister or brother soon. Oh lord, this opened a can of worms that I was not expecting...
One of the little boys said you have a baby in your belly? I say yes. Then the little girl asked me where babies come from, Oh god. The teacher has tuned out so I dont even have a back up, I say well...just as I was contemplating my words, the little boy sitting next to me says.
"well an egg grows in your belly, it just grows and grows and gets bigger"
I say 'Yep!!!"(thank goodness)
"Wait, another boy says, what about sunflower seeds? You need to eat a lot of sunflower seeds to have a baby grow in your belly"
Oh tbats good, Yes, lots of sunflower seeds.
"how does the baby come out?", saved by the bell literaly!
Now see I am an honest person, sometimes too honest. I loved this conversation though. However with my own two, I explained it simply. Daddy and Mommy love each other and made a baby. They didnt ask any more and I didnt have to say any more. They feel baby kick, and see the pictures(sonograms) and are happy with what I have told them, but for next time, I will have to remember sunflower seeds and eggs!

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