6 weeks for sex? Really, why? I dunno. C'mon...
We are going to be in trouble.
You are looking for trouble...
There is going to be a T4...
I laugh, and laugh, and laugh and Im not laughing at anyone, just the situation. It is hard to be married to a man that know ANYTIME, holds bard...
BUT, 6 weeks....
He goes back on the road(before 6 weeks!!!) and then our natural birth control starts again, if he isnt here...
I am thinking just the same way he does, cause, well, its hard to be married to a man that you, well...I wrote it above.
Im thinking that we shouldnt be able to go vacationing on our own for a while cause trouble will be cumming....LOL
Its good though, being married to a man who still does that to you each time you see him, especially Neked...and apparently even after 3 babies, 3 csections he still wants you the same way :)
Like I have said before I am blessed, I am thankful we found each other in the bar that night...even though we only talked and didnt see each other again for a month or so...he never left my mind(I suppose I left his, he was pretty drunk...but thats not the story Ive heard)
So Sex. There shouldnt be any reason why anyone gets embarrased by reading this, or thinking about it(SEX) it is good and healthy. I feel sad for the people out there who arent getting any, I can understand why people could cheat after years and years of not getting any, it is important for any relationship to stay healthy, so go out and get you some!
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