The end of everything as we know it.
I was raised to be respectful to my elders. Even now as an equal....kinda I am still respectful. I will hold open a door, wait for someone to cross the street, help with whatever I see I can at that moment, but it is returned?
A few weeks ago Sean and I were out shopping or maybe at the grocery store. I'm not sure exactly what but we only had Tate. We were walking towards the door and 2 men walked in and 1 walked out of this door way. NONE held the door for me and the baby. I did not have the stroller, I was carrying the car seat. Sean was a few steps behind, not close enough to get the door but close enough to see what had happened.
He said, loudly. The end of chivalry.
Man, that boat sailed long ago babe! I said.
But its the end of so much more. The end of being polite, being nice. Offering a hand to someone in need. Being courteous, or genuine.
We live in a world that is so fast paced. Especially here in the USA. I have only visited one other country, Chile, S.A. and it was a much slower pace from what I can remember. They have fiesta at our lunch time. Do you even take a lunch? Or do you eat at your desk?
Does it hurt to hold open a door, or wait a minute longer for someone to cross the road, even if they are 99 years old with a walker and their loving husband or wife helping them to cross. They waved you on 3 times but patience is a virtue right, shouldn't we give them the time they need?
What about your grandma, or great grandma, or grandpa(s). Would you want them rushed along like they were insignificant trash? How about that they are less, less of a person now that they are old?
What about your wife, clearly she is a stay at home mom, look at her. Her hair is a mess, her clothes aren't in perfect condition, she doesn't need to be anywhere in a hurry. I'm much more important then her...or him. What about the stay at home dad? There are a few I know out there. Maybe they get the lucky advantage to work from home, or maybe they really just stay home with their kids cause mom makes more money? Do you rush him on..NO.
Did you know that that mom was up all night with 2 sick kids and her husband is deployed? Did you know that that dad just went to the store to get diapers for the baby, or a perscription for his wife? Did you know that Grandma just bought a sympathy card for her son in law, her daughter just lost her battle with breast cancer. How about that elderly couple, she is in hospice, this is their weekly time to go and have coffee together. Or that man in the wheelchair, hes a vet, lost both his legs, he's late for work. Think about this the next time you rush someone. Think about someone other then yourself, even if you cant think so far out, think about your wife, or mom or maybe your children.
When was the last time you said God bless you, or the other saying when people sneeze? How about Thank you, or have a nice day? Please? How about I'm sorry, or Hello.
Its not just an end to chivalry, but an end to everything. Our children might still being taught it, manners, or how to be, but we certainly forget it as we get older. I feel rushed all the time. In line at the grocery store, someone shuffling behind me, it was an older lady, but she clearly was getting irritated with me. It wasn't my fault, the machine was taking its time, but still do we treat each other with loving kindness, or even do we treat anyone the way we want to be treated?
I know I try hard to. My mom hates it. She hates when I wait for the 99 year old couple to cross the street, but there is something there. In those few moments waiting, and watching that I get. Its so immeasurable and I cant even explain it, but I get it. That peace and calmness I long for each day.
Try it. Try just letting go. Sitting back and being genuinely nice. Without wanting anything back, not even for someone else to follow your lead. Maybe people will just see what you have done and start their own daily act of kindness.
Open a door, hold it open all the way. Say bless you, say please and thank you. Say I'm sorry and mean it, really mean it. Call your friend just to say hello, not to complain, but to just say hello. Send a card, write a note in your kids lunch box. Say I love you. Don't cut in line, don't push, say excuse me. Say good morning and good night, tell the person who just checked you out at the register Have a nice day too.
Wait for the couple to cross the street, just sit and wait, insist they take their time and breathe it all in.
This will be you one day. You will wonder where it all went. When did it end?
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