my sweet peach

my sweet peach

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Swim meets...

SO I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write, blog, post tonight. I border on the funny, that this morning I got up, late as usual(for me lately) rushing to get out the door to the swim meet.  As I was driving I was watching the clouds dance in front of me.  Wondering what the weather was supposed to do I turned on WTOP.  I listened intently, hoping it would just thunder and lightening so I could go back home and crawl back into bed.  But it didnt! 
We got to the pool, all the while I am praying I can seek shelter before the rain. I got the kids out.  Swim suits...check. Towels...check. Swim bags...check. Ok stand here, under the tail gate.  Got the stroller out, the folding chair, the cooler, camera, my book(what was I thinking), diaper bag, baby carrier thing, and baby.  Ok, ready to go.  Mind you it has changed from drizzle to rain, a steady flow.  We  start walking, and the skies decided to open up, COMPLETELY!  I was soaked.  We were soaked, but making our way towards the pool, 50yds  away. 
KaBOOM. Thunder.  Now, I know, after being a guard, and a swimmer, that thunder meant you GET OUT OF THE POOL! So we turned around, after having a quick shower and jump in the car.  Water and all, throwing the camera, diaper bag, cooler, book, baby carrier, swim bags, kids, folding chair, baby and stroller.  I didnt throw the baby or the kids...SO I climb in now drenched.  My shirt is so wet I take it off.  Who cares Im in my bra, I have to nurse Tate, it will just make it easier. He is screaming, I am steamed, but WHY?  Because Im soaked, because my new car that I have so desperately tried to keep clean now had 4 soaked people inside dripping water? I wanted to yell, I wanted to be pissed, but something inside me clicked.  WHY!
I laughed, took a picture of myself.  Put a movie on for the kids and grabbed Tate for his morning snack. I got the shower I so desperately wanted at 3am after his early morning breakfast, and I didnt have to worry about changing clothes, it was all wrapped up in a nice package!
As for the swim meet it went well.  Kids swam well, I have to keep telling myself they are 5 and 6.  To relax, they are having fun and to STOP being so COMPETITIVE!  Koda swam butterfly and did awesome was in 1st till the end, but she was 5 swimming against an 8yr old(I think).
I remember swimming in the rain, it was fun...
The rain can wash all our troubles and cares away, at least for today it did for me :)