my sweet peach

my sweet peach

Saturday, October 27, 2012


It is 1213 or 0013. I am still up while everyone else is sleeping. Sean has been sleeping getting ready for his big race tomorrow. Marine Corps Marathon, 26.2 miles!

I think I am not sleeping because I am worried. Just like a wife to do. Worry. I know that he has trained, but has he trained enough, and has he ran long enough, and will he get enough sleep, good sleep(since he is sleeping in a hotel), will he be hungry, will he be ready, will he finish...of course the answer to all of these are yes. I'm sure he will and has done everything he needed to do to be ready, I just cant imagine it.

I do not like to run. I don't find the enjoyment out of it. My bones hurt, and my feet ache and a few years ago when I was kinda getting into running, I messed up my Achilles tendon...and never been the same since. The doc did say this about Achilles injuries, that sometimes your ankle is never the same.

As walking through the expo today, getting Sean's swag I was thinking to myself how cool it all was. I was amazed at how many people were there and all so fit and most is super shape.  I began to think that this running expo is just like a concert venue...for healthy people. Although I know healthy people enjoy concerts just as much as anyone.

As we were leaving the kids were really getting cranky because they were hungry, so we stopped at the super healthy food vendor...and got chicken fingers, french fries and nachos. Tate was now getting really fussy as he was hungry too. We decided to start on our way out.

Takoda eats like me, slow. So her nachos were full and so was her cheese. She is also super clumsy, so Sean decided to carry her nachos, since she would most likely drop them.

Nope. He did. He was holding them in his hand and it was like someone threw something at him, this is how the nacho tray flipped around and cheese got everywhere, and even though I was so tired, hungry and now frustrated since Tate wasn't was funny. It was actually hilarious since we just told Koda that we had to hold her nachos since she would spill them.

Anyway, after deciding that I should hold Teighans food and mine and juggling the baby, and the crowd of people. Dodging more vendors, and runners, participants and cars. We finally got to our car, and sat down on the grass behind the car.

At this point I had to go to the bathroom. Tate crying, kids eating, Sean I'm sure hungry too, and a very angry Ohanzee in the car. I ran down the hill to to portajohn. Yelled back to Sean, "My Marathon is everyday!"

I run everywhere, and all the time. I am running to the bathroom. I run to the bus stop, I run to the car, and then back in the house because I forgot my brain. I run to the store, and back. I run to the gym, and ride the bike while I'm there. I run to karate, and field hockey, and lacrosse. I run everywhere.

My Marathon is everyday, I run laps around 26.2, just in a different way. A different kind of running. I give mad props to those who can, I can't so I support all of you, especially my best friend, my wonderful husband and father to our incredible 3 children.

Raised by an Army man. Became an Army Brat, and have much respect for all branches of the military.

Good Luck to all you MCM participants, Frankenstorm...go ahead give us your best shot!  We got this!